How to prove presence on defenses?

To validate additional hours with monographic boards for Economics and International Relations courses, we will inform you the process flow for requesting a statement of attendance:

At the in-person defense:

– Sign attendance sheet with full name and registration number.

For remote defenses:

1º) Take a recording/printout of the computer screen during the defense session on the RNP web conference that includes the following:

– Your name on the list of participants (must have ‘you’ next to your name);

– The student presenting the paper with the slides;

– Date and time on the taskbar of the computer.

2º) Open a request in the Institutional Service Portal (ISP), in CSE/CNM/Students, in the “Declaration of Participation in Monograph Defenses ” service, fill in the requested data and attach the screen printout.

At the end of the semester’s exams, a list of everyone present for the exams will be generated, including the total number of credit hours. The student can submit the list to the course coordination to validate the hours.