
Step 1: Register at SIARE System

The student must register the internship at SIARE system: The student needs some informations of the company to conclude the request.

SIARE Filling

  • Relate the internship activities with a course;
  • Weekly work hours up to 30;
  • Internship title: the title synthesizes the activities and shows at Internship Certificate;
  • The activities carried out during the internship must be in line with your training;
  • UFSC Supervisor’s name – can be the Internship Coordinator. GRANTOR INFORMATIONS (Internship company).
  • Grantor CNPJ (if the internship is not at UFSC);
  • Person’s name and profession that will be your supervisor at the company;
  • Representant’s name: person that will sign the Internship Contract;
  • Local/sector where the internship will occur;
  • All intern, must have an insurance against personal accidents. With the informations provided, the system will determine who is responsible for provide the insurance. If the insurance is paid by UFSC, no information will be solicited.
  • Insurance company’s name;
  • Insurance company’s CNPJ;
  • Insurance policy number.

Step 2: Internship Authorization

The Internship Coordination will receive the internship informations after fullfilment of the system by the student. After analysis, you will receive online information on the measures to be taken. 

Important: Your internship will only be made effective after signatures: the company’s responsible first, and after the internship coordinator. If the grant is paid by UFSC, the last signature is from DIP.

Step 3: Elective internship Report (RAENO)

Every 6 months, interns must fill in the PARTIAL REPORT in the system (just fill it out and send it through the system) and at the end of the internship, the FINAL REPORT, which must be approved by the internship coordinator and signed by the company so that we can proceed to conclude it. Students who do not submit the FINAL REPORT will have problems with their CAGR and at the end of the course with the graduation.

Step 4: Continuation/termination of internship

Continuation of internship

In order to maintain the link with the internship, the student must have the internship documentation up to date and attend classes.

Termination of internship

Students who leave the internship before the time specified in the contract must request the termination in the SIARE system itself, wait for it to be assessed by the coordinator, collect the company’s signature and deliver it to the Internship Coordination Office so that it can be canceled in the system.

Step 5: Internship changes

The system has an addendum, which must be filled in by the student and approved by the internship coordinator. After approval, the student must generate the addendum, get the company’s signature and send it to the internship coordinator to form part of the previously signed contract. In this agreement you can extend the period of the internship, change the name of the supervisor, the amount of the grant and other information.

Economics Internship Coordination

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gueibi Peres Souza


Portaria 046/2023/CSE – Coordenador de Estágios do Curso de Graduação em Ciências Econômicas

Art.2º DESIGNAR GUEIBI PERES SOUZA, SIAPE 1841861, na função de Coordenador de estágio Supervisionado do Curso de ciências econômicas, a partir de 19 de junho de 2023.

Portaria 053/2023/CSE – Comissão de Estágios do Curso de Graduação em Ciências Econômicas

Attention: All matters relating to internships should be dealt directly with the program’s internship coordinator.

International Relations Internship Coordination

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fernando Seabra


Portaria 117/2022/CSE – Coordenador de Estágios do Curso de Graduação em Relações Internacionais

Art. 1º Designar, a partir de 04 de novembro, o docente FERNANDO SEABRA, para atuar como Coordenador de Estágios do Curso de Graduação em Relações Internacionais, para um mandato de 2 anos.

Attention: All matters relating to internships should be dealt directly with the program’s internship coordinator.

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ page before entering in contact.