The Personnel Training Coordination Office (CCP/DDP/Prodegesp) is the responsible sector for short-term leaves and capacitation licenses.
International short-term leaves
Civil servants can leave the country to participate of short-term events, like congresses, seminars, visits, courses, trainings e other events.
Informations (in portuguese): https://capacitacao.ufsc.br/afastamentos/evento-curta-duracao-exterior/
Short-term leaves in Brazil
Contact to comunicate the head of the Department.
Capacitation License
Informations (in portuguese): https://capacitacao.ufsc.br/afastamentos/licenca-capacitacao/
stricto sensu leaves
The Permanent Commission for Academic Personnel (CPPD) is the responsible sector for stricto sensu leaves.
Informations (in portuguese): https://cppd.ufsc.br/afastamentos/