Students Tutoring

 Students Tutoring

The Students Tutoring program is regulated by Normative Resolution nº. 53/CUn/2015 of 23 June 2015 (republished with amendments by normative resolution no. 85/2016/CUn of 30 August 2016). Both the resolution and the regulation can be consulted on the website of the Coordination of Assessment and Educational Support (CAAP) at or in the monitoring data collection system at http: //

According to art. 2nd, “Students Tutoring is a pedagogical and didactic action entrusted to the undergraduate student supervised by a teacher responsible for any discipline of the current curriculum, which requires planning, development and evaluation in order to simultaneously achieve the professional training of the student who has qualified for the role of monitor and of other students legally enrolled both in the discipline with which the monitor is associated and in disciplines with similar curricula, taking into account the student’s level of knowledge and experience”.

 Students Tutoring Legislation

Students Tutoring Selection Process 2023.2 

Previous Students Tutoring Selection Process 


Scholarship value: R$ 472,80

transportation vouchers: R$ 132,00

Total remuneration: R$ 604,80 (paid in proportion to days worked)


To apply for a paid or voluntary position and act as a students tutoring at UFSC, the student must meet the following conditions, expressed in Article 8º of Normative Resolution No. 53/CUn/2015:

Art. 8º […]

I- Be regularly enrollment in the UFSC undergraduate course;

II- Have completed and passed the subject with Students Tutoring (or equivalent) with a minimum grade of 7.0 (seven);

III- Check, in the Department or equivalent unit on the campus, the compatibility between the schedules of their academic activities and those proposed for the development of Student Tutoring activities;;

IV- Have satisfactory evaluation results from the supervising professor (grade equal to or greater than 7.0) in carrying out Studentes Tutoring activities over the last two semesters;

V- Not have received a Students Tutoring scholarship for a period equal to or greater than 4 (four) semesters;

VI- You will not receive other teaching, internship, research or extension Schollarship except monetary benefits intended to promote the permanence of students in the courses in which they are enrolled (Student Schollarship/UFSC, Permanence Schollarship/MEC, or others covered by the Prorectorate for Student Affairs and Retention – PRAE). [*]

[*] Only the accumulation of scholarships that are granted through public funding are prohibited.

Two modalities are available: Studentes Tuoring (with scholarship) and Voluntary Student Tutoring (without scholarship) and to register, students must pay attention to the selection processes published on the Department’s website.

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